Concept of Lean Six Sigma


Lean Six Sigma is a methodology, which combines both the six sigma and lean approaches to manufacturing. The concept of this approach is to minimize waste and streamline processes, ultimately resulting in an overall increase of revenue and consistent, quality product. Lean six sigma uses the core principles of Lean. Lean is an identification of the value and waste of an activity using a systematic process. Throughout this process many questions are asked and processes are evaluated in terms of “value added” ( and “non-value added” (waste). Six Sigma is a term that comes from the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Identify, Control), a process improvement approach. “The goal of the method is to achieve 3.4 defects per million parts (or opportunities of doing it wrong), most commonly known as 6 Sigma..”


While “Lean” taking out the excess from the process and getting it more streamlined, “Six Sigma” is about consistency, and when the two are combine you get a very efficient product.




Principles of Lean Six Sigma and CAPA

By Eugenio Longo, PhD. Industrial Advisor & Visiting Professor for Universities

 "Online Lean Six Sigma Training & Certification –" Online Lean Six Sigma Training & Certification – N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.

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